
December 7, 2011

Observing The Observant

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Observing the Observant logo
a work in progress moving/still/audio documentary
observing those who are the Observant
from the view point of one who is non-Observant with a little help from my friends, Isaac Schonfeld
(right now focusing on the Jewish culture)

NEW NEW — never before seen photo of the Rebbe — NEW NEW

Giving: Rebbe Schneerson – i took this photo in late 1980’s – well actually the photo took itself and i recently discovered it – or maybe it discovered me – it’s my hand reaching out and the Rebbe hand giving – if you are interested in the photo and more details and high resolution or print or to use it – please contact me
note: out of respect i didn’t use the watermark over the rebbe face as any other photographer might have – so please if you are going to go behind my back and alter it and use it at least credit me and

Giving: Rebbe-Schneerson - i took this photo in late 1980's - well actually the photo took itself and i recently discovered it - or maybe it discovered me - in  it's my hand reaching out and the Rebbe hand giving -

Giving: Rebbe-Schneerson- i took this photo in late 1980’s – well actually the photo took itself and i recently discovered it – or maybe it discovered me – in it’s my hand reaching out and the Rebbe hand giving – if you are interested in the photo and more details please contact me

Observing Asim Rafiqui talks at Chulent March 13 2014

audio mp3 of Asim Rafiqui with Isaac Shonfeld after Asims talks at Chulent March 13 2014

talk and back and forth talk-6-6-2013 – David Siff holds a PhD in Jewish Thought from JTS. He wrote his dissertation on “Messianism and Hermeneutics: Liqutey Moharan as the Torah of Atiq.” His areas of focus include medieval mysticism and philosophy, early Hassidism, and the application of contemporary literary theory and genre theory to Jewish texts. He is the rabbi at Flatbush Jewish Center.

editors note: there is a five min pre-conversation that i found interesting enough to include as it resonated with the energy of the night and the pre-conversation reflects the energy of my experience in the observing the observant

click on the arrows
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david siff talking at chulent photo by steve beltzer
foto by steve beltzer

Observing the Observant Peri Reich – Choice or No Choice talk another food for thought at Chulent 9-6-2012

click on the arrows
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click on the arrows
August 10 2012 – conversation in Chelsea Sq Diner on Observing with Robert Eisenberg on the money/honey pot and where did it go? and who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar too (part 1 excerpted from larger piece stay tooned)

Excerpt of bob talking about statistic of whose who and whose got what maybe too?
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complete DinerChat Observing Observant talk
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post DinerChat walk to subway talk
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Dec 15, 2011 – Robert Eisenberg holds court at Chulent NYC on who’s got the BEEF & where’s the BEEF? – on the state of stats on the distribution of wealth and, forget the 1%, who’s the 001% & 99% and what and why and where’s it

[mp3j track=” Eisenberg.mp3″]

Observing David – conversation for observing the observant and madness and god with david – this 2 phone conversation in one about knowledge, faith, madness, god, spiritual pride, chosen people, visions, voices, golden calf, schizophrenia, jesus, moses, bible, mental illness, and beyond more at editors note originally the audio from the phone conversation was very low so i adjusted it to be louder so sometimes you hear me asking him to talk closer to the phone or louder

click on the arrows
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Observing Eliyahu Mclean – in search of wisdom, harmony and beyond 1/14/2012 at chulent
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Observing Jacob Gluck

Jacob Gluck talk Reform Conservative Orthodox History
introduced by his eminence Isaac Schonfeld at Chulent – 8/2/2012
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Observing Naomi Seidman


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Observing Speed Seder by Miraim Leah at chulent intro by Danny Lifer 2/9/2012
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Observing Kobi Arad and Orin Etkin intro by Robert Eisenberg 6-12-2012 – images coming soon
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Random Playlist
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Observing Naomi Seidman
“Secularization, Sexuality and the Rise of Modern Jewish Literature” byNaomi Seidman at Chulent, Ocean Parkway Jewish Center 7-5-2012 – recorded by geo gelller – editors note: please note this is un-edited, untouched, unimaginable and to some it might be unthinkable too
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Observing Tali Aronsky 2/08/2012
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Observing Tziporah Miriam Halperin
in conversation
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Observing the Observant at play
general playfulness, god, porn, strawberries, food, random conversations and singing at chulent 2/10/12
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Observing Daniel Winter
– talk 7-28-2011
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Daniel Winter in a talk, talks the talk with others at Chulent 7-28-2011 photo/audio by geo geller

enlarge video

more stills photos from 7-28-2011 chulent and audio

Observing David Solomon
David Solomon – Observing the Observant – talks at Chulent Feb 2, 2012
audio only [mp3j track=”″]

Observing Yoseph Ibn Mardachya (aka Yoseph Needelman) 10/11/2011

Yoseph Ibn Mardachya in conversation (audio only) at occupy wall st- on how we got here and how Egypt in biblical times once controlled the world with comments by chelsey webersmith and andy dixon (Ex-Con with Convictions) towards end 10-11-2011 [mp3j track=”″]
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Observing Robert Eisenberg 12/15/2011
Robert Eisenberg holds court at Chulent NYC on who’s got the BEEF & where’s the BEEF? – on the state of stats on the distribution of wealth and, forget the 1%, who’s the 001% & 99% and what and why and where’s it all at and been? and theories behind capitalism, socialism, communism and all the other cynic-isms too… and all this and more in a well researched eclectic talk that will make you think and wonder among other things how you can talk about Beef without ever mentioning beef or his beef too strongly, while revealing where and who’s got the BEEF too! – Dec 15, 2011 PS thanks to Isaac Schonefeld for asking most provacative question

[mp3j track=” Eisenberg.mp3″]

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(click to enlarge full screen video)

Observing Michael Somoroff
holds court at Chulent on – re-imagining the unimaginable – Dec 9 2011
audio only [mp3j track=”″]

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(click to enlarge full screen video)

Observing the Observant – in conversation, Hasids and Amish part 1 with Yisorel of Yiddish Farms and Isaac Shonefeld

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Observing the Observant in conversation part 2 with Yisorel of Yiddish Farms

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Observing the Observant in conversation, part 3 with Yisorel of Yiddish Farms

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Observing the Observant in conversation, part 4 with Yisorel of Yiddish Farms

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some random photos
Chaim Chernikov – talks at chulent aug 2011

Observing the Observant – Chanukah 2011 Chulent NYC – Isaac Schonfeld holding court and Tali lighting the candles

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Observing the Observant Chanukah 2011 – Chulent NYC music

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Observing the Observant Chanukah 2011 – Chulent NYC music
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Observing the Observant – Lori Liefer & Miriam Leah Droz Live From New York City PoP-Up Piano 33rd st Greeley Square 6/24/2011

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