
July 3, 2013


Filed under: — @ 12:35 am

Identity – an evolving story about you/we/me, who we are and how we see ourselves and each other – first part will be on women for some reason it all started out of an experimental conversation/music/song with Elena Camerin (which you can hear our identity opening and conversation link below) and few days later i was fotographing another woman, who for now will remain nameless, who considers herself recovering from Anorexia, which is an identity crisis as she says Anorexia is a mental illness, that is too often fatal and a life long struggle which not only women but men also have issues with – we will look at intimacy and our relationship to intimacy, to sex, freedom, marriage, childbirth, beauty, clothes

Identity from the soon to be Identity Album
voice of Elena Camerin and geo on shells on gourd

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]

a woman – a collaborative musical song/conversation with Elena Camerin & geo geller by geo geller – a work in progress

Note: the players below (with the double lines are all the same content just different players for different browsers and mobile devices

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]

2 – flash version [media id=104width=320 height=20]

Beauty with Nercy
Alchemist Chair – Nercy and Geo

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]
dinner conversation with Nercy

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]

Identity – Observing the Observant
Tali Aronsky by geo geller- 2/08/2012

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]

[media id=61width=320 height=20]

benoit mandelbrot

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]
[media id=53width=320 height=20]

Identity – Observing the Observant
Yoseph Ibn Mardachya by geo geller 10-11-2012

audio conversation with yoseph at occupy wall st- and then chelsey webersmith and andy dixon towards end –

[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]
[media id=52width=320 height=20]

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