Living In Primo Levi’s Skin
geo geller
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Living In Primo Levi’s Skin is a poem of sorts and my attempt to get inside Primo Levi’s skin to understand his mind, and understand myself too, and to touch on the revolving door of why, without going into a depression myself, i believe Primo Levi not only took his own life, but my reasoning, why he also possibly took it — note: this also goes back to my own post traumatic state after the sinking of the twin mast of world trade center (titanic) September 11, 2011 in which i felt a certain empathy with what i still believe led Primo Levi to his decision as i attempt to express in Living In Primo Levi’s Skin
Echoes of Primo Levi with SoundPlay originally titled
Living In Primo Levi’s Skin without SoundPlay is a quasi experiential poem that took me many years to write without writing and came to me out of nowhere on November 10, 2012 – and took me another 3 and half years to get it to this point – i have spoken to a number of people at Primo Levi events as to why they thought he took his life and also to the woman who was the last person to see him who said he was in a deep depression that haunted him on and off for years – i have been interested for years in why a number of writers and poets who survived concentration camps took their own lives especially the controversy around Primo Levi’s death, Jerzy KosiĆski, Paul Celan to name a few that i know of – in the end i believe Primo Levi’s death was his last poetic attempt to get our attention that the future is passing us by