Temple City High School choir on Broadway, Times Sq – 8/23/2010 in 8 parts by geo geller – i am a documentary moving/still/audio image maker and was standing by the piano in heart of Broadway fishing for moments beyond the usual with my Nikon D300s still/video camera rolling, when as you can see in first video the Temple City High School of Calif choir gradually came and in that moment the wonder of wonders unfolded in front of me… In the beginning they had no idea i was filming because i was using the piano as a tripod – fyi, i am independent nyc based doc filmmaker and have been doing a documentary for last ten years called Framing New York about Art in NY and NY in Art and life when i stumbled on the times sq piano – i am also playing with what i call the Promised Land Of Dreams – about people who are catching their dreams or talking about making a difference or just living the dream too – geo – dream catcher geo@PromisedLandOfDreams.com you can see more of my photo and sound photo portraits on http://ViZualPoetry.com special thanks to the Temple City High School choir, Jon Howie & director Matthew Byers – oh yes for your info i helped develop the NYC Bored of Ed website and the ProjectArts web site in the early days too –
(direction and notes) the youtube videos are in order they were shot and make sure you watch the last 3 videos with the whole choir they are amazing – on the right hand side of the moving time line the control bar is numbers 340 which are the size and resolution these are shot in 720 hd for better audio and video quality so if you have enough band width click on it and try it out and the four dots are for fullscreen – also if too long buffering click on the youtube and it will take you to their site which might work better (end of note) see photos and slide show here
Still/SlideShow images of Temple City High School choir on Broadway, Times Sq – Promised Land of Dreams