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August 10 2012 – conversation in Chelsea Sq Diner on Observing with Robert Eisenberg on the money/honey pot and where did it go? and who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar too (part 1 excerpted from larger piece stay tooned)
Excerpt of bob talking about statistic of whose who and whose got what maybe too?
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complete DinerChat Observing Observant talk
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post DinerChat walk to subway talk
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Observing Robert Eisenberg 12/15/2011
Robert Eisenberg holds court at Chulent NYC on who’s got the BEEF & where’s the BEEF? – on the state of stats on the distribution of wealth and, forget the 1%, who’s the 001% & 99% and what and why and where’s it all at and been? and theories behind capitalism, socialism, communism and all the other cynic-isms too… and all this and more in a well researched eclectic talk that will make you think and wonder among other things how you can talk about Beef without ever mentioning beef or his beef too strongly, while revealing where and who’s got the BEEF too! – Dec 15, 2011 PS thanks to Isaac Schonefeld for asking most provacative question
[mp3j track=” Eisenberg.mp3″] Eisenberg.mp3
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(click to enlarge full screen video)